

We are grateful for the generous support of the following funders:

Canada Council on the Arts, Creating, Knowing, and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Peoples, 2019-2020 ($98,000)

Government of Nova Scotia (CNW Group/Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)

Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services, Website and Mapping Contribution, (2019-2020) ($30,000)

Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Community, Mi’kmaw Community Activities Fund, 2017-2018 ($10,000)

Saint Mary’s University, Office of the Vice President, matching grants and supporting grants for the research, including the support of some of our student researchers. 2010-2016, 2019-2020.  (approximately $85,000)

Social Services and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Aboriginal Research Program Grant, 2010-2014 ($250,000)

Social Services and Humanities Research Council of Canada SSHRC Public Outreach Grant,  2011-2014 ($100,000)

The Tripartite Forum Culture & Heritage Committee, 2008-2013 (approximately $100,000)

Student Research Grants

Student Research Grants helped pay 50%-80% of our students’ salaries.  These included:

Saint Mary’s University Student Equity Employment Grant (SEEP)

Parks Canada,Young Canada Works Program, Summer Program grant

Summer Youth program grant secured through Mi’kma’kik All Points Services

Connections Career, Mi’kmaw summer position through the Mi’kmaw Native Friendship Centre secured through SMU

Saint Mary’s University, SMUworks student employment grant


We are grateful for the following in-kind support.

Gillian Allan provided a database of Mi’kmaw place names from the Aboriginal Title Project compiled from missionary and historic documents, as well as legal advice early in the project.

Tim Bernard, The Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq and co-chair of the Tripartite Forum, Culture and Heritage Committee, continues to act as the guardian of the Ta’n Weji-sqalia-tiek: Mi’kmaw Place Name Digital Atlas and Website. Tim has been with the project since it’s beginnings in 2007/08 and carries on the role for the protection and future development of the atlas.

Rob Ferguson, Parks Canada, and past co-chair of the Tripartite Forum, Culture and Heritage, Place Names Subcommittee,  until his retirement in 2011, offered continual support and input to the project.

Dr. Bernie Francis has continued on the project in an advisory role and to review place names and add sound recordings.

William Jones, contributed a number of maps gratis to the project, and in the writing of the technical aspects in funding proposals up to 2014. Bill was also a contractor in the development of the Digital Atlas through exp. Services.

Roger Lewis, Curator of Mi’kmaw Culture and Heritage, Collections and Research Unit, Nova Scotia Museum, has provided valuable assistance in locating and geo-referencing place names, attending project meetings, and mentoring student researchers throughout the project.

Heather Leslie-McLeod attended initial meetings as a co-applicant on the first SSHRC grant.

Theresa Meuse assisted in setting up interviews in South Shore communities.

Jim Michael, Jennifer Copage, Paul J. Prosper, Michael Weiler, Mi’kma’kik All Points Services provided input and advice on the project, 2010-1016

David Sable has assisted in preparation of grant applications, particularly with budget preparation.

Trudy Sable, Saint Mary’s University, has worked beyond project expectations on many aspects of the project including: supervising the student researchers and organizing training, grant writing, research, video-editing, and as the liaison between Saint Mary’s University and the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq, subject experts, and partner organizations.

Saint Mary’s University (SMU), Office of the Vice President, Academic and Research has provided space and administrative and technological support throughout the project, 2010-2016, 2019-2021.

A number of staff and faculty at SMU contributed in various aspects of the research 2014-2017:  Greg Baker, IT Technician, and Bob Connally, Chair, Department of Geography; Gina Funicelli former Industry Liaison Officer; Kevin Buchan, Industry Liaison and Community Engagement Officer; Jackie Logan, Office Manager (retired) and Peter Twohig, former Executive Director, Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies.

TGS Research Management and Educational Consultants has provided video editing resources, digital cameras, tripods and other accessories, and editing support.